Basic Components of the Immune System
INTRODUCTION It is generally believed that the immune system evolved as the host’s defense against infectious agents, and it is well known that patients with deficiencies in the immune system generally succumb to these infectious diseases. However, as we shall see, it may well play a larger role in the elimina-tion of other foreign substances, including tumor antigens or cells and antibodies that attack self. An immune response may be conve-niently divided into two parts: (1) a specific response to a given antigen and (2) a more nonspecific augmentation to that response. An important feature of the specific response is that there is a quicker response to the antigen during a second exposure to that antigen. It is the memory of the initial response that provides the booster effect. For convenience, the specific immune response may be divided into two parts: (1) the humoral response and (2) the cellu-lar response to a given antigen. As we shall see, however, both responses a...